Baby Names Yay


The meaning of the girl name Uma is BRIGHT.

Details on UMA:

Gender: Girl
Meaning(s): Mother goddess
Popularity for Girl: 4413th in the USA (top 15%)
Origin(s) for UMA:  Hebrew , Hindi , Indian
Themes(s) and list(s) UMA is on:  CoolSocial SecuritySsaHebrewHindiIndian
Latest USA SSA birth information:
The latest number of USA births for Uma as a GIRL was in 2017 with 73 births

The meaning(s) of UMA:

The name Uma is a Hindi baby name. In Hindi the meaning of the name Uma is: Bright.
Hindi meaning
The name Uma is an Indian baby name. In Indian the meaning of the name Uma is: Bright.
Indian meaning

USA birth(s) for UMA by year:

Here is the latest 16 years from USA social security list of total babies born with the name UMA

YearGirl Births
201773 births
201669 births
201566 births
201478 births
201356 births
201277 births
201161 births
201060 births
200960 births
200850 births
200770 births
200681 births
200565 births
200457 births
200348 births
200235 births
200138 births
200055 births
199928 births
199833 births
199730 births
199625 births
199518 births
199410 births
19935 births
19929 births
19917 births
19905 births
19888 births
19867 births
19835 births
19827 births

About the name UMA

The name [name] is a wonderful name for your baby {gender} It has

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