Baby Names Yay


The meaning of the unisex name Ricky is ABBREVIATION OF RICHARD POWERFUL: STRONG RULER.

Details on RICKY:

Gender: Unisex
Meaning(s): Diminutive of eric: ever or eternal ruler. island ruler. famous bearer: 10th-century norwegian explorer eric the red
Popularity for Boy: 1,455th in the USA (top 5%)
Popularity for Girl: 16,144th in the USA (bottom 0%)
Origin(s) for RICKY:  American , English , German , Norse
Themes(s) and list(s) RICKY is on:  CuteSocial SecuritySsaVikingNordicUnisexAmericanEnglishGermanNorse
Latest USA SSA birth information:
The latest number of USA births for Ricky as a BOY was in 2017 with 357 births
The latest number of USA births for Ricky as a GIRL was in 2017 with 12 births

The meaning(s) of RICKY:

The name Ricky is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Ricky is: Hard ruler.
German meaning
The name Ricky is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Ricky is: Hard ruler.
American meaning
The name Ricky is a Norse baby name. In Norse the meaning of the name Ricky is: Ever or eternal ruler. Island ruler. Famous bearer: 10th-century Norwegian explorer Eric the Red.
Norse meaning
The name Ricky is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Ricky is: Abbreviation of Richard 'powerful; strong ruler.' Also a , meaning gifted ruler, people ruler, aOld German Theodoric.
English meaning

USA SSA birth(s) for RICKY:

Here is the latest 16 years from USA social security list of total babies born with the name RICKY

 RICKY as a boy

YearBoy Births
2017357 births
2016447 births
2015474 births
2014540 births
2013548 births
2012592 births
2011588 births
2010595 births
2009699 births
2008850 births
2007821 births
2006759 births
2005768 births
2004783 births
2003799 births
2002801 births

 RICKY as a girl

YearGirl Births
201712 births
20168 births
20158 births
20116 births
20107 births
200910 births
20087 births
20079 births
20067 births
200418 births
20029 births
20017 births
200011 births
199911 births
199812 births
19975 births

About the name RICKY

The name [name] is a wonderful name for your baby {gender} It has

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