Baby Names Yay


The meaning of the unisex name Bernard is STRONG AS A BEAR. SEE ALSO BJORN..

Details on BERNARD:

Gender: Unisex
Meaning(s): Strong as a bear. see also bjorn
Popularity for Boy: 2,588th in the USA (top 10%)
Popularity for Girl: 16,730th in the USA (bottom 15%)
Origin(s) for BERNARD:  American , English , German , Teutonic
Themes(s) and list(s) BERNARD is on:  CoolSocial SecuritySsaAmericanEnglishGermanTeutonic
Latest USA SSA birth information:
The latest number of USA births for Bernard as a BOY was in 2017 with 160 births
The latest number of USA births for Bernard as a GIRL was in 1993 with 8 births

The meaning(s) of BERNARD:

The name Bernard is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Bernard is: Strong as a bear. See also Bjorn.
English meaning
The name Bernard is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Bernard is: Strong as a bear. See also Bjorn.
American meaning
The name Bernard is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Bernard is: From an Old German compound meaning bear-hard, or brave as a bear. St Bernard of Menthon is the patron saint of mountaineers after whom the St Bernard dog used in mountain rescue work is named.
German meaning

USA SSA birth(s) for BERNARD:

Here is the latest 16 years from USA social security list of total babies born with the name BERNARD

 BERNARD as a boy

YearBoy Births
2017160 births
2016163 births
2015150 births
2014158 births
2013166 births
2012148 births
2011168 births
2010171 births
2009189 births
2008214 births
2007212 births
2006194 births
2005223 births
2004238 births
2003220 births
2002226 births

 BERNARD as a girl

YearGirl Births
19938 births
19885 births
19876 births
19867 births
19857 births
19848 births
19839 births
19826 births
19818 births
19795 births
197810 births
19777 births
19768 births
197510 births
19746 births
19738 births

About the name BERNARD

The name [name] is a wonderful name for your baby {gender} It has

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