Baby Names Yay


The meaning of the unisex name Anita is FULL OF GRACE

Details on ANITA:

Gender: Unisex
Meaning(s): A leader
Popularity for Girl: 2,325th in the USA (top 10%)
Popularity for Boy: 18,704th in the USA (bottom 30%)
Origin(s) for ANITA:  American , English , Hebrew , Italian , Spanish , Ukrainian
Themes(s) and list(s) ANITA is on:  DisneySocial SecuritySsaAmericanEnglishHebrewItalianSpanishUkrainian
Latest USA SSA birth information:
The latest number of USA births for Anita as a GIRL was in 2017 with 185 births
The latest number of USA births for Anita as a BOY was in 1990 with 6 births

The meaning(s) of ANITA:

The name Anita is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Anita is: Grace.
Hebrew meaning
The name Anita is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Anita is: Grace.
Italian meaning
The name Anita is an Ukrainian baby name. In Ukrainian the meaning of the name Anita is: Grace.
Ukrainian meaning
The name Anita is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Anita is: Grace.
American meaning
The name Anita is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Anita is: Aintroduced to Britain in the 13th century, made popular in the 14th century by the cult of St Anne. The form of the name varies with fashion:.
English meaning
The name Anita is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Anita is: A Spanish : graceful, merciful.
Spanish meaning

USA SSA birth(s) for ANITA:

Here is the latest 16 years from USA social security list of total babies born with the name ANITA

 ANITA as a girl

YearGirl Births
2017185 births
2016173 births
2015147 births
2014164 births
2013148 births
2012151 births
2011181 births
2010173 births
2009199 births
2008237 births
2007210 births
2006212 births
2005223 births
2004266 births
2003245 births
2002266 births

 ANITA as a boy

YearBoy Births
19906 births
19899 births
19885 births
19876 births
19865 births
19858 births
19836 births
19825 births
19817 births
197911 births
19788 births
19779 births
19755 births
197410 births
197310 births
19729 births

About the name ANITA

The name [name] is a wonderful name for your baby {gender} It has

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